Aberdeenshire Lawn Mower Dealers

Aberdeenshire lawn mower dealers offering a range of lawn mower and garden machinery services including Sales, Service, Repair, Spares and Parts.  Aberdeenshire Lawn Mower Dealers can be found in major cities and towns of Aberdeenshire as well as across the more rural areas of the county.

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About Lawn Mowers

Cylinder mowers can be electric, petrol powered or simply hand pushed. The blades rotate vertically like a cylinder against a bottom blade and this gives a scissor-like cut and a well manicured lawn. These mowers are perfect for level lawns where a really fine, short cut is required. They come with a variety of cutting widths, rollers for a striped effect and detachable grass collection boxes so you can choose whether or not to collect the clippings.

Rotary – Rotary mowers are extremely versatile and cope with most types of lawn and rougher grassy areas or difficult, sloping banks. Choose from either electric or petrol driven models and either manual push or self-propelled.

If you have a big area to mow or you have difficulty in pushing a lawnmower, then a self-propelled model is definitely worth considering although it might be slightly more expensive. On a rotary mower the blades rotate horizontally at the selected cutting height and the grass is thrown out at the back into a grass collection box. If you don't want to collect the clippings you simply take the box off.

Hover – Hover mowers are rotary mowers that literally hover over the surface of the grass. Generally without wheels, some models do now have rear wheels to make it easier to move them into position prior to use. However, as most models need to be carried, this has led to their lightweight design. The handle folds so the machine can be hung from a shed or garage wall making them extremely space efficient too.

A hover mower is ideal for small to medium gardens, while a bigger model could cope with a medium to large lawn – although the trailing cable will always be a nuisance. Some models come with an integrated grass collection box. If you want to keep your lawn neat and tidy, then a hover mower will do a great job but if you want a high quality cut then it's not the best choice.

About Aberdeenshire

Aberdeenshire has a rich prehistoric and historic heritage. It is the locus of a large number of Neolithic and Bronze Age archaeological sites including Longman Hill, Kempstone Hill, Catto Long Barrow and Cairn Lee. Since medieval times there have been a number of crossings of the Mounth (a spur of mountainous land that extends from the higher inland range to the North Sea slightly north of Stonehaven) through present day Aberdeenshire from the Scottish Lowlands to the Highlands. Some of the most well known and historically important trackways are the Causey Mounth and Elsick Mounth.

There are numerous rivers and burns in Aberdeenshire, including Cowie Water, Carron Water, Burn of Muchalls, River Dee, River Don, River Ury, River Ythan, Water of Feugh, Burn of Myrehouse, Laeca Burn and Luther Water. Numerous bays and estuaries are found along the seacoast of Aberdeenshire, including Banff Bay, Ythan Estuary, Stonehaven Bay and Thornyhive Bay. Summers are mild and winters are typically cold. Coastal temperatures are moderated by the North Sea such that coastal areas are typically cooler in the summer and warmer in winter than inland locations. Coastal areas are also subject to haar, or coastal fog.

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