Draining the oil and fuel

From time-to-time, you may need to drain the lawnmower of oil and fuel, either to transport it, or as part of a regular service routine. The following instructions cover Mountfield and Honda engine walk-behind lawnmowers.

What you will need –

  • A container to collect the oil and fuel
  • 10mm spanner
  • A piece of cloth or rag for cleaning
  • Oil syringe / syphon (optional)

Draining the fuel

The easiest way to drain the lawnmower of all its fuel is to simply run the lawnmower until it runs out of fuel and stops. This may however take a while if the tank is fuel.

You can also drain the fuel from the bottom of the carburettor without the need to run the lawnmower until empty. This tends to be the quicker option and only takes a few minutes.

This picture shows a Mountfield engine from the front of the lawnmower. To the right of the silver plate with “OHV” on it, you will see the bottom of the carburettor float bowl. There are two bolts on the bottom of the float bowl, one that goes vertically and one at an angle. Place a suitable container underneath the float bowl to catch the fuel, and using a 10mm spanner, loosen the bolt at an angle. The fuel will drain into the container. Tighten the bolt again after all the fuel has been drained from the lawnmower,

This picture shows a Honda engine from the front of the lawnmower. To the right of the plate with “HONDA” on it, you will see the bottom of the carburettor float bowl. There is a bolt on the bottom of the float bowl. Place a suitable container underneath the float bowl to catch the fuel and using a 10mm spanner, loosen the bolt at the bottom of the float bowl. The fuel will drain into the container. Tighten the bolt again after all the fuel has been drained from the lawnmower.

Draining the oil

The oil comes out of the lawnmower the same way in which it entered as there is no sump plug on these engines.

Begin by starting the mower and allowing it to run for two minutes to warm up the oil in the engine. Warm oil is much easier to pour and you will remove more of the oil by following this step.

Using a suitable oil syringe or syphon, remove the oil from the engine via the oil fill tube.

Please bear in mind the oil will be warm and you should have a suitable container ready in which to put the old oil.

If you do not have an oil syphon or syringe, you can tip the lawnmower sideways to pour the oil out.

Place your foot next to the rear wheel on the same side as the oil fill pipe. Hold a suitable container close to the oil fill tube and pull the lawnmower  slowly onto  its  side  using  the handles.

The lawnmower can continue to be tipped until the handles touch the ground.

Replace the oil cap / dipstick and wipe away any spilage that may have occurred.

Please note:

The lawnmower must not be started if the oil has been drained as serious damage will result.

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