WHAT’S NEW IN GARDENING? Well-being and Sustainability


Once upon a time the garden was a chore for many people, but Covid changed all that, with many folk finding salvation from the peace and quiet of working or relaxing in the garden. The term ‘well-being’ became re-born and became very popular with doctors and people alike.

Moved house and sorting out a garden that is new to you, or wrestling with a neglected patch? It can seem overwhelming!

I’ve always found that chatting to neighbours or joining the local gardening club is a great way of meeting people and making friends and they are always keen to help!

It’s all about well-being!


Sustainability is a word we are all aware of with the need to protect our planet and reduce our impact on our surroundings.

The Royal Horticultural Society has been at the forefront of a campaign to encourage us to save energy in our gardens and as a former judge of Britain in Bloom it has been interesting to see this in practice e.g. less large displays of annuals like petunias and marigolds which, lovely as they are, are very expensive to produce and more use of perennial flowers with less effect on the environment -and incidentally good for you, not having to buy plants as often.

You can still have your brightly coloured annuals, but maybe confine them to hanging baskets and containers on the patio!