The joy of gardening: how to embrace outdoor space to maximise wellbeing | How popular is gardening?

Having some outdoor space – whether that’s a courtyard, garden or balcony – is a fantastic opportunity. Growing our own vegetables or plants, watching them thrive or simply enjoying the sights and smells of nature – all of the activities associated with gardening – can really boost our mood. Spending time outdoors is great for…

The joy of gardening: how to embrace outdoor space to maximise wellbeing | Gardening at school

Gardening at school Aside from the time you spend at home in the garden or enjoying public spaces, such as parks, playgrounds, gardens, footpaths and other outdoor environments, children may spend time outside while at school. Spending their break times in the playground may be one of their favourite parts of the school day. But…

What’s New in Gardening? – The Vegetable Patch

Many people are under the impression that gardening is very traditional with very little change through the years. Nothing however could be further from the truth! The gardening world is constantly changing, with developments coming along ‘thick and fast’ to enrich our gardening experiences. This month, let’s take a look at the vegetable patch! We…

What’s New In Gardening? Sustainability and Wellbeing

Probably the two biggest trends in the country currently are sustainability and wellbeing. Let’s take a look at how gardening is playing its part in these areas. Sustainability The Royal Horticultural Society has been very active in this area in demonstrating how our choice of plants can reduce the amount of energy used in plant…

What’s New In Gardening? – The Flower Garden.

Last month we started a new feature about how things are changing in how we garden nowadays and what developments are appearing to make gardening easier and enrich our gardening experiences. This month let’s take a look at the flower garden. We are all aware now of global warming and the need for sustainability, hence…

Whats new in gardening? Lawns

As one year follows another, we gradually gain experience, find something that works and tend to stick with it. In practice however, gardening is constantly changing be it new varieties of plant or new growing techniques and so, for 2023, read our monthly column of what’s new to make your garden flourish! This month we…

Gardening Calendar : December

Send off your mower for servicing before putting away for the winter. Check winter protection on tender shrubs and herbaceous borders. Inspect the insulation on outdoor taps and replace if necessary. Protect clay pots which will remain outside with fleece or bubble wrap to prevent frost damage. Reduce watering houseplants through winter. Christmas Wreaths –…